Monday, September 28, 2020

Sensory Deprivation Chamber

Dilbert is the gold standard in explaining life in the corporate office setting.  We laugh at them because it hits so close to home.  Take the above for instance:  


Yep, welcome to my personal "sensory deprivation" cube! least I get paid!!


HMS Defiant said...

I have always enjoyed Dilbert. I got a kick out of the cubicle. In a very weird way I was both a Commander on active duty working at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command and also a Commander of the naval reserve commanding one of our Mobile Units. So, one day I was ordered by the one chain of command to go to Korea for 3 weeks and off I went. Whilst I was gone the Admiral of SPAWAR decided to implement yet another pointless and futile reorginazation which saw my PMW (can you believe that stands for Program Manager for War. NAVSEA has way cooler acronyms.") Well while I was out of town they moved to OLD TOWN 3 but they forgot about me, one of the 7 of us and surely the best looking and smartest one and so when they moved into their new digs above the facility making space ship shit, they forgot to claim a little cube for me. I came back from Korea, found the new digs and tried to homestead a vacant cubicle that was barren and empty and was promptly booted by the cubicle police, 3 times.
I was forced to work directly across I-5 on the terrace balcony of a hotel looking out over San Diego Harbor and the Pacific. That went on for a few months. I could be in the offices of work in about 6 minutes depending on traffic since I was actually looking at the Pacific over the roofs of SPAWAR but my boss decided to find me a new cube. I was lucky, there was no leak in the roof over mine unlike the guy next to me . It never rains in southern California but when it does..........oh Lord does it rain.

All one like me truly needs for an office is a cell phone and wifi connection.

HMS Defiant said...

It probably didn't help that the cube I kept using was the first one in the ratty tatty cubefarm when you entered and I kept putting up my identifier so people would know whose cube it was. I don't think the admiral liked to be sharing office space with the 'Dictator of Patagonia.'