Thursday, April 30, 2020

Ol Sarge gave me an idea from something he did on his blog today.  So, like the Chinese, I will steal his idea and reverse engineer it and claim I discovered it!!

My current office...ype...this is where the magic happens.  Ever since I have been working from home, this is where I spend close to 8 hours a day.  And yes...the chair is not very comfortable.  Going to have to talk with the office manager about that!

Me and the wife at the last Marine Corps Ball I attended as an enlisted Marine. 

Me and the wife now, well before all this Wuhan bullshit started.  The beard is gone for the time being due to me having to wear a mask when I am on duty.  Duty for what you say?

Got a new job that gave me some free time so I did something I always wanted to do....I became an EMT and now run as a volunteer in Virginia Beach (which has the largest volunteer EMT service in the United States).

What it felt like when I found out I passed the National Registry Emergency Medical Technicians test!!

A glimpse into my past.....Yeah, I may be old but I saw all the cool bands!!!

My Dad was a Marine Aviator.  He flew damned near every aircraft the Corps had in its inventory between 1956 and 1976.  His hands down favorite was the FJ-4 Fury.  Called it an "airborne hot rod."  When he found out I get selected for Warrant Officer he started a diet so he could fit his Dress Blues so we could take this picture.  First time in 25 years he had put them on!  Unfortunately, he passed away 2 years after this picture was taken.  He blamed the Agent Orange he was doused with constantly while in Vietnam.  I miss him everyday.

My little "love me" corner! the large framed shadow box on the right is my retirement plaque from the Marines that worked for me.  It is a set of enlisted blues and officer blues sewn together.  The right side of the uniform has all my enlisted rank and the white belt and ribbons.  The left side is my officer side with all my medals and badges. 

The family unit at my daughters High School graduation.  My son is a Spec4 in the Army, getting out next month.  He joined right after graduating High School.  Smart kid, is a Satellite Communications Operator/Maintainer.  He wants to me a Software Engineer.  My daughter has been going to the local community college and just got accepted into her dream school: Virginia Tech for the fall semester.  She is studying art.  She is very talented and has been since she has been able to hold a pencil in her hand.  My wife is a Tiger Mom bar none!  She runs herd on this family.  She is everything to me and I have no idea what I would be without her. 

Well, that gives you an idea of who you are talking to.  One lsat pic:

From Infantry/Recon Private to CWO4 Embarkation Officer in 21 years.  There is truth to the old Joan Jett and the Blackhearts song "Glorious Results of a Misspent Youth"!!


Anonymous said...

Happened upon your blog from Old AF Sarge. Photo of the Davis Corner ambulance caught my attention. I live less than a 1/2 mile from there. I'm retired Navy, and now totally retired. Best of luck with your blog - it is now bookmarked. Bill

OldAFSarge said...

Great photos! Your office is way prettier than mine.

You also have a great looking family. Life has been good to us both!