Sunday, April 19, 2020

245 Years ago today.....

I  was perusing another blog and he pointed out is the anniversary of the first shots of American freedom in Lexington.  The vast majority of us were sleeping when the time 0520 EST came and went that our forefathers basically told the English King to pound sand. 

The men, who the day before were plowing their fields or tending their shops, dropped everything to start a revolution.   The went against professional soldiers of the most powerful  nation on earth at the time.   Farmers, shop keepers, men who longed to shed the yoke of tyranny for an ideal....that all men were granted by their Creator certain inalienable rights: Life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I have traced my family history on my Mothers side back to a number of time great grandfather that fought in the War of 1812 and was given a land grant in western New York (Nunda) for his participation.

So as we sit in our homes fighting a new fight, if you have one, hoist a beer to those brave men who that day showed the world America was its own.

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